Take Your Stairs
To The Next Level.

Introducing Our New
All-In-One Stair Tread

Finally! An intelligent solution to finish stairs professionally.

100% Waterproof

A high quality waterproof SPC core guarantees no warping, swelling, or rippling from exposure to liquids.

Contemporary Square Edge Style

The clean lines of this square edge speak of elegance, luxury and timeless design.

Reduces Expensive Subfloor Modifications

Our stair treads install quickly and provide a perfect finish every time. Put an end to stair finishing options that require on-site retrofitting by a skilled carpenter.

Dent & Scratch Resistant

Each tread is protected by a 15mil wear layer that preserves the finished look for years to come.

Clean & Consistent Finish

Every step will be beautifully seamless. Say goodbye to the patchwork look of mismatched moldings and planks from step to step!

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Best Features For SPC Stair Treads

Pre-attached Nosing And Returns

Covers The Whole Step

Covers Unsightly Subfloors

Quick And Easy Installation

Pre-attached Nosing With Left And Right Mitered Returns.

Covers The Whole Step Without Extra Planks And Moldings.

Trim to fit various stair sizes up to 11" deep and 50" wide.

Covers Up To 1 1/8" Plywood Subfloors.

Trim To Desired Width For Closed Or Exposed Edge Stairs.

Apply an all urethane construction adhesive around the perimeter and then zig-zag through the middle.

See How They Compare

Typical Overlap Stair Nose

Installation: Multiple cuts, rips, joints and seams

Wear Layer: 3mil

Finished Look: Fragile and patchy

Typical Flush Stair Nose

Installation: Requires costly installation & fitment

Wear Layer: 8mil

Finished Look: Dated and inferior

Our Stair Treads

Installation: Simple and fast installation

Wear Layer: 15mil

Finished Look: Solid and seamless


Multiple cuts, rips, joints and seams

Requires costly installation & fitment

Simple and fast installation

Wear Layer




Finished Look

Fragile and patchy

Dated and inferior

Solid and seamless

Matching moldings to finish top steps and landings.

Square Edge Stair Nose
Nose height: 1 13/16"
Width: 4 1/2"
Length: 94"